Winston Salem, Your Journey to Back Pain Treatment Starts Here

For something that is quite literally an epidemic, it seems impossible to find a lasting solution to back pain. The reality is, every single case of back pain is different, and trying to find a solution in a world that wants to provide a quick, cookie-cutter answer is rarely effective.


Our approach to treating your back pain is designed to fill in the gaps that are being overlooked in order to provide you with sustainable, long term results…


…and it all starts with the Initial Consultation…


Initial Consultation


Our initial consultation will provide you with an individualized road map for your health and fitness goals, without relying on pain meds and injections to get you to the finish line.


It dives deeper than only considering X-ray and MRI results, and looks to uncover the root cause of your pain.

In other words, we're not just identifying where an issue might be in the spine, but also what movements contributed to the problem in the first place, and why it continues to happen and cause more problems.


Now, likely every website you read is telling you that their approach is “personalized” or “individualized,” which has unfortunately dampened the meanings of these words, so here’s what we mean…


Our initial consultation includes:

  • Typically 3 hours in clinic
  • In-depth review of medical/back pain history
  • Full-body functional movement assessment
  • Detailed probing/assessing pain triggers
  • Structural balance testing
  • Strategies for eliminating pain
  • Spine-sparing movement strategies for daily living
  • Workout schedule – if applicable

See what we mean by road map?


After this session, you’ll have a plan laid out in front of you that shows you start to finish the steps that we will take to guide you back to a pain free and active life.


If you’d like to get this started, please click the button below to sign up, and we will reach out by phone to chat about what’s going on, answer any questions you might have, and sign you up for the nearest appointment.

Sign Up

Even if you’re on the fence, a phone call is completely free to you, and you will get to speak directly with Dr. Shelton who will answer any questions you have without any pressure to sign up afterwards.

We genuinely want to help you put your best foot forward with finding a solution to your pain, and we’re more than happy to guide you on that process.

What to Know About the McGill Method If You Suffer from Back Pain and/or Sciatica

A message from Tyler:

I realize certifications and qualifications mean next to nothing to the individuals reading this website, which frankly, is why I don't list my many certifications. Because who really cares as long as I can get you better - right?

Despite this fact, I list my certification as a McGill Method provider because the McGill Method is a world-renown assessment protocol, held as the gold-standard in assessment and treatment of individuals with low back pain or sciatica. The method was founded by Dr. Stuart McGill, the world's leading expert in low back pain and biomechanics.

Dr. McGill is the most published expert in the field of lower back pain, and has put his 35+ years of expertise into his assessment process. Only a select few worldwide have passed through the rigorous testing standards set by his company to become certified.

What this means for you, is that when you see me for assessment, no stone is left unturned. We dive into every aspect of your back pain to understand the root cause, enabling us to individualize a roadmap that gets you from pain all the way back to living the active life you love

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Who's McGill?

If you'd like to learn more about the McGill Method, you're welcome to click here to check out Dr. McGill's backfitpro website